Author: Ian Hopton

Stalybridge Snooker League Results (Week 1 & 2)

Week 1 The first matches of the 2017/18 season took place on 28th September and all teams except St. Peters were in action. In the snooker league new boys Hyde Snooker travelled to St....

Stalybridge Snooker League Presentation Night

The Stalybridge Snooker League held its annual presentation night in Mossley. Mossley B took the honours on the evening after claiming numerous titles, including the Snooker League; Darts League; Whist League and Gordon Clay...

Stalybridge Snooker League update

The 2016 /17 Stalybridge Snooker League is almost complete, with teams about to compete in their final games of the season . The season ends with a presentation night in June. The three leagues...

EGM next Thursday 6th July

Next thursday is an EGM to be held at St Peters at 7:45pm for 8:00pm to discuss the format of the league prior to the AGM in September. All are welcome.

League Origins

In our secular society the inclusion of ‘Sunday School’ in the title of a local sports league may seem anachronistic. The league came about from a desire for friendly sporting competition during the winter...

League Games Format

In the 1960s when many of our older members started their league careers the format for the evenings were much different to the present day. Thursday was still match night as this fitted in...